Preferred Earns 13th GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

The Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust has been awarded the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the 13th consecutive year for its 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). Preferred is the first public entity risk pool in Florida recognized as having earned the Certificate of Achievement and is […]

Eye protection is essential PPE

Most are aware that Florida municipalities are not subject to the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and that there has not been state oversight since the early 1990s.  Nonetheless, OSHA standards are still considered Best Practices. The following is the OSHA standard as it applies to eye protection: The employer shall […]

Staying in compliance: Avoiding common HR mistakes

When was the last time your organization spent conscious time considering Human Resources? HR is a frequently neglected area in many organizations, so we’re providing ways for avoiding common HR mistakes for your review as we look forward to next year. A robust HR system is not a luxury, but a necessity that’s all too […]

Cyber risks and liabilities: Responding to a data breach

No organization, big or small, is immune to a data breach. Many small employers falsely believe they can elude the attention of a hacker, yet studies have shown the opposite is true—a growing number of companies with fewer than 100 employees are reporting data breaches every year. Data breach response policies are essential for organizations […]

Cyber Risks and Liabilities – Email Security Best Practices

Since organizations rely heavily on email to communicate and conduct business operations, cybercriminals commonly target email as an entry point to access networks and breach valuable business data. In fact, 94% of malware is delivered by email, according to Verizon’s Data Breach Investigations Report. Following a cybersecurity breach, organizations may suffer financial, reputational and intellectual […]

How cybercriminals are weaponizing artificial intelligence

The past few years have seen artificial intelligence (AI) surge in popularity among both businesses and individuals. Such technology encompasses machines, computer systems and other devices that can simulate human intelligence processes. In other words, this technology can perform a variety of cognitive functions typically associated with the human mind, such as observing, learning, reasoning, […]

Inspect facilities for accessibility to enable the disabled

One of the main goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is to afford protections for those with disabilities in public spaces. While great strides towards this goal have been made since the act was first passed, complete accessibility for everyone remains an ongoing journey. Every person’s needs are unique, and the term “accessibility” […]

Mobile stormwater pumps help South Broward Drainage District protect homes and properties

There are multiple ways to keep people safe, prevent damages and limit loss of property. Preferred member, South Broward Drainage District (SBDD), is showing its commitment to doing just that.  SBDD recently purchased two high-capacity, mobile stormwater pumps to assist in emergency operations before, during and after major storm events such as tropical storms and […]

Preventing data theft by departing employees

When employees leave an organization there is a heightened risk of data theft, which is also known as data leakage or exfiltration. This risk is present whether an employee’s departure is voluntary or not. The consequences of data theft from insiders can be severe, as an organization’s most valued data assets and secrets are vulnerable. […]

Pam Hancock named Director of Loss Control

Pam Hancock, who was recently named Director of Loss Control for Preferred, has worked with Public Risk Underwriters of Florida for 16 years as a Senior Safety & Risk Consultant. Pam enjoys working with Preferred members to assist them with their policies, programs and procedures as well as making sure they have a complete understanding […]