Protect your organization from hurricane damage
How to prepare your organization for a hurricane A hurricane’s path of devastation may be wide and ongoing for days, sometimes more than a week. For this reason, we’re arming you ahead of time with tips and advice on how to protect your organization from hurricane damage. By starting your planning early, you can take […]
Tips to make your landscaping storm wise with hurricane scaping
Submitted by Public Risk Underwriters of Florida, Inc. – Safety & Risk Management Department With the recent increase of hurricane activity, serious consideration should be given to hurricane-scaping landscaping. Hurricane-scaping is a process of taking the necessary steps to modify your landscaping to reduce storm damage. The process consists of selecting storm wise trees, addressing […]
10 Tips for Storm Preparation
Living in Florida leaves no doubt as to how important storm preparation is to the well-being of our communities. Developing a plan that encompasses all facets of the “before, during and after” elements of a storm is essential. Several city managers were interviewed following Hurricane Harvey in the greater Houston area. Here are 10 insights […]
Start the New Year with an updated natural disaster emergency response plan
It’s a new year and a fresh start. A great way to stay on the track for success in the new year is to make sure you have a natural disaster emergency response plan in place for your organization. While maybe not the most exciting New Year’s resolution, it is important for management to spend […]