How employers can help manage workplace stress

While occasional, light stress can be good, helping us achieve that goal, finish that project and overcome obstacles – too much stress is detrimental to our health, both physical and mental. Learn how you can recognize workplace stress in individual members of your team, and how you can help them overcome much of the anxiety. […]

Avoid these top 7 Workers’ Compensation claim mistakes

Workers’ Compensation claims are potentially part of every public entity organization whether you employ workers sitting all day at desks, construction workers, first responders, a fleet of drivers or more. Wherever there are people working, there’s the potential for a work injury – and a risk of accidentally creating one or more Workers’ Compensation claim […]

Cyber risks and liabilities: Responding to a data breach

No organization, big or small, is immune to a data breach. Many small employers falsely believe they can elude the attention of a hacker, yet studies have shown the opposite is true—a growing number of companies with fewer than 100 employees are reporting data breaches every year. Data breach response policies are essential for organizations […]

Inspect facilities for accessibility to enable the disabled

One of the main goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is to afford protections for those with disabilities in public spaces. While great strides towards this goal have been made since the act was first passed, complete accessibility for everyone remains an ongoing journey. Every person’s needs are unique, and the term “accessibility” […]

How to increase business security

Theft. Vandalism. Employee or customer harm. Securing a building not only protects your property, contents and inventory – it can also prevent harm to employees and help you avoid future liability claims. Here are steps to increase building security, making your property more secure.   View the infographic below to learn ways to increase your building security. […]

Helpful tips for ladder safety

National Ladder Safety Month 2023 Every March, the American Ladder Institute (ALI) presents National Ladder Safety Month to promote safe ladder use in the workplace and at home. Every year over one hundred people die in ladder-related accidents, and thousands suffer disabling injuries. Please join the American Ladder Institute by participating in National Ladder Safety Month […]